How to make a decision for Flexi Cover (soft) or Hard Cover on the A5 RockBooks.
Dear all imSTONE friends,
Thank you all for your support!
A very good question was raised, and I thought I would share this with all of us to help those that need to make a decision for Flexi Cover (soft) or Hard Cover on the A5 RockBooks.
Please note the table below that summarizes the differences of the Flexi Cover and Hard Cover RockBooks.

The visual differences of the Flexi Cover and Hard Cover are as below:
1. The appearance of the spines:
- Flexi Cover (Rounded Spine),
- Hard Cover (Squared Spine).

2. imSTONE logo
- Flexi Cover with brown debossed text
- Hard Cover with transparent embossed text)

3. Flexi Cover's 360 fold.

4. Visual of Rounded Spine (Flexi Cover) and Square Spine (Hard Cover)

I personally LOVE using an A6 Flexi Cover and tested for 11 months now, and its really easy to put in pocket and make notes whenever needed, especially when having meeting on the phone. I place the A6 RockBook the same place where I keep my wallet, so it has been in the pants pocket. It is deformed, looked used, but it has experienced through all the weight pressures, usage and weather conditions, and it is surprising all still in one piece. Most notebooks would have given up in first few weeks, just from the moisture from the pockets, let alone sitting down on it everyday for 9 months.
I also put an imSTONE pen in middle of the book. Consequently, I can have my pen, whenever I need it, so my A6 was really good for me to carry around and connect thoughts before summarizing articles on computer or social media.
I was not a heavy book user, because I loose my books and pens all the time. So, A6 has been good test for me. Especially when I forget my HardCover RockBook or pen at the meeting, the A6 is my life saver!
My A6 is like below. It has been through lots of tough conditions and still all in one piece. It has deformed a little, but it is because of the pen. I don’t mind the deformation, as I can note take whenever and where ever I need to.

Hope the above will be able to help you make the correct choices.
If you need to add an A6 or A5 to your delivery, please feel free to shop at our imSTONE store.
imSTONE store

If you have any questions, please write to
Thank you and wish everyone a super day!
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